Friday, April 18, 2014

Busy week

Its been a busy week! Monday and Tuesday were my last 2 days of school, I am finally done, even though graduation isn't until the 25. I am so grateful everything happened when it did and I was able to finish my last semester. I can't imagine what I would do if I was this close and wasn't able to finish. Tender mercy. Monday during class, well my teacher left a 8:30 and our second class wasn't until surgeon called twice. The first time she was wondering what I had decided and we talked about options. The second phone call was the stressful one. She wanted me to get an ultrasound. If you remember my MRI showed spots in both breasts. When they do the right mastectomy they will take the sentinel nodes to make sure no cancer has spread, we had talked about that at the clinic. So she wanted to me get an ultrasound of the left breast to check out the concerning spot on that side to see what we needed to do. So then I got the ultrasound scheduled for Thursday. Just thinking about all that and school and work was very overwhelming. Not to mention the surgeon who called is the surgeon we aren't thrilled to work with, but we hadn't had the appointment with the new surgeon yet, we did Thursday afternoon. 8:30 am, too early for me, I went and had a breast ultrasound. I think I was stressed because it seems like every time I go in for a procedure they find some other spot they want to check out. The though of having more cancer spots is really scary. Because I don't want to deal with waiting for the next spot to show up, which inevitable it will, I decided to do the double mastectomy. Back to the ultrasound. The ultrasound tech could not find the spots they found in the MRI in either breast so the radiologist came in and tried and he couldn't find them either. Really there was just one spot on the left side that was really concerning to them. If they had been able to see the spot they would have biopsied it, since they couldn't he recommended talking to my doctor to see what we should do. Either not worry about it since I am doing a mastectomy, or do a MRI guided biopsy, that sounded terrible. If you have ever had a MRI you know how uncomfortable they are, now imagine one lying on your stomach while they do a biopsy! Only 1 1/2-2 hours! I really didn't want to do that. Later Thursday afternoon we had an appointment with a new surgeon. She was wonderful!! I was happy and Ryan was happy! She answered all our questions, she was nice and could talk to us. So relieving, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. She said I didn't need to the the biopsy, we would just do the mastectomy and take the sentinel nodes on both sides. I am fine with that. So after a few stressful days worrying why they all of the sudden wanted me to get an ultrasound and biopsy and wondering if there was something they weren't telling me, I finally felt relieved. The decision has been made, I feel comfortable and confident with both my surgeon and plastic surgeon, considering the circumstances I am happy. So there it is. I am getting a double mastectomy at 29. Even though I feel like it is the right decision it is scary! Now we are just waiting for the surgeon and plastic surgeon to coordinate their schedules and let me know when the big day is. Sorry that is a lot of explaining. But that is what is going on in my crazy life! So I was thinking with all these doctors appointments and a hospital stay coming up maybe I should get my own hospital gown, one size does not fit all!

1 comment:

Liliya said...

I think you look petty cute!! I'm so glad you found a surgeon you can trust and are comfortable with. I think your decision for the double mastectomy is incredibly brave. I cannot imagine facing that! Congratulations on finishing up school! The timing truly is amazing and what an accomplishment. We're proud of you!!!