So, I guess I have been tagged... Now I get to play a blog game! (Thanks Kelltie!!) I hope I can come up with some things that people didn't know about me!
Here are the rules: Each player lists 6 habits/facts about themselves. Once you finish posting, you have to tag 6 other people and list them at the end of the post. (the only problem is I don't know 6 other people that have blogs on here!)
1. Habits:
like everone else I have a specific order I follow when I do things as well. In the morning when I am getting ready (if I am not running really late!) I go to the bathroom first (and I always have to go before I go to bed, wierd habit!) then I shower and I try to wait as long as I can before I blow dry my hair because I hate doing it so I get dressed and eat breakfast, then I do my makeup and last my hair. I also have a specific order I eat certain things: like reeces I eat all the chocolate off then the peanut butter inside; Lucky Charms I eat the cereal and one marshmallow with every bit then at the end I have lots of marshmallows to eat, alson peeps I eat the little candy face parts off then the ears and head and then the body...I know there are other things I eat wierd but I can't think of any right now. I don't take the first item off the shelf in the grocery store I have to take the one behind it and if it is a soft thing I have to squeeze it! That is all I can think of.
2. Hobbies:
I love to read, I go to the library with Ryan when he does his homework and I read. I love cuddling with Ryan and watching movies, or just cuddling with him anytime. I have to admit I really don't like just being on the computer that is probably why this blog is so hard for me! Our internet at home is really slow so I mostly blog (haha I really don't think I can say I blog! But I look at everyone elses) at the library.
3. Favorite Things:
My family
Coming home from work
reading a good book
being warm!
Getting my hair done (then I don't have to do it!!)
Pedicures ( I don't get them as often as I would like)
anything sweet
not cooking dinner...
which means eating out!
4. Favorite Place:
My favorite place? hum...I love being home. Having my family around, it is so comfortable. To be able to do whatever I want, when I want. Of places we've been I would have to say Aruba! It was amazing! Perfect temperature-really it wasn't too humid or anything and the water was so clear and blue I didn't even mind swimming! We just laid on the beach it was wonderful I would definately go there again.
5. Websites I Frequently Visit:
like I said earlier I really don't enjoy surfing the internet I get sooo bored! If I can't find what I want quick I am done. so where do I go? but I really don't get very much email so I don't check it that often I have been checking it more now that I to check my bank account! See how boring I am! I still check that email even though it is pretty much where I have all my junk sent or somthing like that so we can look up flights. But we haven't gone anywhere in awhile because I really don't know anyone else's address and it links me up to everyones.
6. My Guilty Pleasures:
I take all Ryan's change so I can go to the gas station next door to my work to get treats! Then I don't feel like I am really spending money! But I do try to be good. Turning the heat up when Ryan isn't home!! Taking hot showers. Checking my email at work when no one is there! Wearing flip-flops to work when the dr. isn't working! Reading People when no one is looking. All my guilty pleasures are at work! ok, most of them at least that I am telling you! ;)
Oh hey, I am done telling you how boring I am!!! I hope you all enjoyed that but you don't have to tell me if you didn't! I am sure you will be excited about my next blog since I am getting so advanced! Actually I do have a pretty good story to tell, but I will wait for next time since this is like forever long. And I dont have any cute baby pictures to break up my monotomous babbling! Don't get too excited there won't be any anytime soon, unless they are of someone else's child! haha!