Thursday, July 3, 2008


My sister Leslie has turned into a Vampire!! The first picture is the transformation and the second the deal is done, hopefully she won't eat humans!!

We thought this was pretty darn funny!! I brought home some Nike contacts for Leslie to try and first of all she was spazing out trying to get them on! Once she got them on it was hilarious! We set one of the pictures as a background on their computer and I think it scared my dad when he turned on the computer! I think Leslie should wear those contacts when she camps out to see the movie!

Other than that our lives have been pretty boring! Ryan works 7 days a week and I have been working 6 days a week for the past 2 months! We are constantly living in a state of sleep deprivation! But we did hire someone at work and I hope she will work out because I am really looking forward to not working on saturdays! I just have to tell you how proud of myself I am. I have been going to the gym even though my gym partner took off to Spain for a month I went to Abs class and Cardio jam all by myself! And if your wondering Cardio Jam is an hour of intense jumping around and waving your arms and I am starting to feel old because I just don't have enough energy to do everything all out! But I am determined to tone up so I look half decent in a swimsuite by the end of July, that is my motivation, that and Ryan pushing me out the door! Other than that we have not been up to much, we watch a lot of movies...anyway I will hopefully come up with something fun to post about soon!


Kelltie said...

I love the contacts! I would wear them to the movie too! I miss you too Britt! We need to catch up, and you need to find some time in your busy schedule to come for a visit! It sounds like you deserve a break! I love you dear!

Caroline said...

I wish I had some contacts like that - although I don't need contacts - I just want to have those vampire eyes.

Don't work yourself to hard dear. Perhaps you shoudl just quit your job and come play with me.