Sunday, June 8, 2014


There are so many people who have helped us along the way from people at work trading shifts, and giving us the time off we need, people bringing us dinner, flowers and treats, stopping by to say hi, and praying and fasting for us. We appreciate you all so very much. There is one person who has been here and supported me from the beginning, Ryan. I honestly don't know what I would do without him! He didn't run when I told him I had the BRCA gene that increased my chances of getting breast cancer to almost 90% He got a job with good insurance so I could get my screening mammograms and MRI's along the way. He held me, listened to me and let me cry when my mammogram showed calcifications, and I had to get a biopsy, and when I found out it was cancer. He has been brave and strong and my source of strength when I didn't have any. He took time off work to go to doctor appointments with me and battle the insurance company. He has prayed with me and for me when I had no words. He told me he loved me and would not leave me, and he has not. He was there when I went into surgery and when I came out of surgery. He makes sure I take all my medications, drink lots of water and that I am comfortable. He gets up in the night to give me my medications and help me get comfortable. He empties my drains several times a day, he even washes my hair! He gave me a priesthood blessing the night before surgery and he is my blessing! Ryan I love you more than I can ever say! Thank you for choosing me and for being by my side through everything! I'm the luckiest girl I know! I love you!

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